Saturday 4 September 2010

3 Article Marketing Secrets You Must Know!

Article marketing is one of the most effective way to drive traffic to your web site. The reasons for this are simple.People look for solution to their problems. They are not necessarily looking to buy something because most of the time they are looking for solid content.

Quality content is one of the best ways to build trust and relationship with your prospective customers, which leads to sales. When writing articles keep in mind these 3 simple but very powerful secrets:

1) Write in Editorial Style - No Selling!
Research shows that an average person is exposed to around 2000 - 4000 advertising messages a day. So the last thing people want to see is another ad. The key to article success is quality content that provides value to your visitors.

Many article directories do review articles before they are approved. So by writing proper content, instead of sales pitch, you save yourself time and hassle.

Whether your trying to promote your own site or an affiliate site you should not include any links in actual article body. You need to include reason to click through to your site, alongside with a link, in bio box. Bio box is placed at the bottom of the article where people can read information about you. This is the most important part of article writing where you need to concentrate all your efforts.

2) Make it Easy for Reader to Read Your Article!
The problem with Internet is that you have only very little time available to capture some one's attention. Depending on the source you have only about 5-8 seconds (and this includes click and load time) to get some one's attention.

First step towards harvesting attention is headline. Yo need to construct headline than captures attention. If the headline is not compelling, than no one will read it. People make decision whether to read something or not depending on the headline.

Reading web pages is different from reading newspaper. This means that you need to make your article scanable. People do not read on the web they scan. So to make your article scanable follow these tips:
  • Use bullet points 
  • Higlight keywords
  • Write only one idea per paragraph 
  • Don't write more than 2 or 3 sentences in one paragraph
3) Include Keywords  
There are two possible ways for people to read your article. Find it through article directory, or find it through search engine. Article directories are highly ranked sites, so this means that they are frequently indexed by search engines.

Keyword optimising your articles can make difference between getting few visitors a month to getting few hundred visitors a day. Including keywords is not a rocket  science. All you need to do is this:
  • Include main keyword in article title
  • Include keyword in the first paragraph and highlight it. This is important because search engine gives importance to keywords at the beginning of the article and at the end. The reason for this is that search engine emulates human behaviour. Since people don't read web pages but they scan, they are most likely to read first and last paragraph of your article. 
  • Include keywords in links. This is called anchor text and it's very important. Don't just link somewhere saying click here! That's of no value to visitors.
  • Don't overdo it with keywords. Including too many keywords is not good. Search engines don't like it. 
There you have it! 3 simple article marketing secrets. So to recap... Write quality content, make your article scanable and include keywords. 

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