Monday 12 April 2010

Money Making Tactics Many Forget To Use

To make any amount of money on the Internet you need at least these 3 things. This is a complete blueprint, and people forget to use it.

Get Traffic To Your Website

How do you expect to make money with your website or blog if you don't get any people to it. Remember people can come to your website from any direction, but the most important thing is that they come in the right state of mind. What do I mean by this is that they must be ready to buy, or to get some info they are looking for. So your job is to give them what they want. For example, if you use Google Adwords to get people to your site you need to design ad in such a way that they'll be ready to buy from you. Never mislead people in your ads, because the only person who'll burn fingers is you.

Or if traffic is coming from search engine people are expecting to get the info they are looking for. Remember yo have only about 8 seconds to get people interested in what you've got to offer. And yes these 8 short seconds include click and load time. So make sure you take your time when designing your website. People search the net or click on the ads because they have got a problem they need to solve. Your job, if you want to make money of course, is to give them solution to their problems. If you do give them solution you are a winner and you'll make some serious money.

Harvest All The Email Addresses

Even the most experienced marketer ,or Internet guru if you wish, really makes better that 5% of conversion rate. So now ask yourself: "What happens to 95% of all visitors?" Well, as you may guess they say "tada" and you never see them again - ever. Now this is something you can not afford to happen, so you better get yourself a auto-responder so you can start pumping your list with some offers and make yourself nice income. So what you need to do is to create some kind of opt-in mechanism. And I hear you to ask another question: "How do I get them to enter their details?" Well, you need to offer them something in return for their details. But Don't offer them any newsletters, because people are sick of these. And they don't want to wait month to get your newsletter, but they want to get stuff now.

So what you want to do is to slap together some kind of e-book which is not difficult. Another thing worth to remember is that people on your mailing list will buy from you over and over again. What this means to you is never ending income. Good isn't it? The reason why people will buy from you over and over again is because they trust you. Because they bought from you before and they were satisfied with your products. Another thing you may want to know about getting people's email addresses is where exactly should you place your opt-in offer. There is no general rule, however make sure you place it somewhere where people can see it.

Build Site That Works

You know, in these days you don't even know how to build one. Technology is so easy that you laugh while building your money making site. But still, you need to put some thoughts into your site design. Many people don't understand that your site is like your shop. It needs to look somehow. You wouldn't send people to dirty shop, would you? And also you need to update your content on regular basis so visitors will come back again. How many visitors do you think you would get to your offline sore if you were selling only 3 cans of beans. Well, I suppose not many. So what you need to do is to give to your visitors a good reason to come back.

Write a good content every day. Don't worry you don't have to be great writer, you just need to write about something- frequently. The easiest way to get started with your site is to build a blog. It's free and it can make you lots of money, so why not? When you set up your blog all you need to do is to go nuts. Just write, let your visitors know that you care about them, that you understand their problems and most importantly show them that you can solve their problems. They'll begin to trust you. And before you know it you are making more money in one day than you use to make in one year.  

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