Monday 18 October 2010

How To Convert Your Visitors From Curious To Serious In 4 Steps

Traffic generation is only one part of the equation. The second part of the equation are effective copywriting strategies for converting visitors. Important point to keep in mind is that there are millions of other website you visitors or readers could be reading right now.

To get customer to your website takes time and effort. But we don't want our efforts to be wasted! Do we? That's why it is important to use these effective copywriting strategies to convert curious visitors into serious buyers. It all starts with...

1. First Impression

An average time spent on the web site is 4 seconds. So yo have only about 4 seconds to give good enough reason to the visitor to stick around. One of the biggest mistakes people make on their websites and blogs is to have a huge logo on the top of their site.

If your site is designed for branding purposes then this is fine. But most websites are direct response websites, which means that the owner hopes to get some kind of response from the visitor. For example: subscribing to the mailing list, making a purchase and so on...

If your logo or another non-selling feature takes half of the screen, then not many people will scroll down to see what kind of content you have on your site. People do not read on the web, they scan! So scanning web pages is not the same as scanning newspaper ads. If there is a big ad in the newspaper and below it is some kind of article, then you can clearly see it. This is because the article is in your vision field.

But on the website people make their decision about the worthiness of the web page  based on what they see first when they land on it. So what should you include at the top.

2. Emotional Headline

95% of success depends on your headline. Headline is something that is vitally important for the success of your site of sales letter. Headline must be designed in such a way that it touches emotions of readers. To be able to do this we need to know what readers want. To find out what our targeted audience wants we need to ask these questions:
  • What do they rally want?
  • What will make their lives better, easier, less painful?
  • What part of my product or service will make them feel sexier, younger, healthier?
Reader doesn't care about anything else other then how what you have to say benefits him/her. They want answer on the question: "What is in for me?" Remember people do not care about product's features. Features do not sell. You must point out benefits of your offer in a such a way that it creates emotional image.

3. Make Your Body Copy Easy To Read

No one wants to read dense text. As I mentioned earlier, people do not read web pages they scan. Here are some useful tips on how to write scannable copy:
  • Use bullet points
  • Highlight keywords
  • Write only short paragraphs 
  • Divide your copy using sub-heads
Using sub-headings is very important! Sub-heads have two purposes: to divide copy into meaningful chunks and to highlight benefits. Flow of benefit in the copy should start with the most important benefit in the headline and the less important benefits included in the subsequent headings.

4. Tell Them What They Should Do Next

Writing a killer copy is not enough! You must tell your reader what to do next. People are much more likely to do something if you give them reason to do it. So what ever you ask them to do (subscribing to your newsletter, making a purchase) make it very clear!


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