Saturday 16 October 2010

Search Engine Optimisation - DIY in 3 Steps

Search engine optimisation is one of the best traffic generation techniques there is. If you do it the wrong way you've wasted your time, but if you do it the right way - you get thousands of visitors to your web site monthly.
I'm sure you know all this already, so the question is: "Where do I start?" Ok, so the first and the most important step is...

SEO Step 1: Keyword Research

There is many tools to do this out there. But the best and the cheapest tool is Google Keyword Tool.Don't use any paid tools. You don't have to! Google (at the time of writing) is the biggest search engine so why not take an advice from the giant of the search.

So what do you do next? You simply enter search terms of your market into the search box. There is one thing to keep in mind! Google can give you only as good keyword suggestions as good is your input. It's second level thinking machine.

So where do you get good keyword ideas to put in? Brainstorm! Think of everything that your potential customers may be looking for. Once you have a list of ideas then use the tool. Here is how it looks...

SEO Step 2: Analyse Your Competitors

One of the great things about making money online is that you can model success of your competitors - FAST! All you need to do is type in your keyword you want to optimise your site for and see who comes at the top of the SERP.

See what keyword is your competition using and add them to your list if you don't have them yet. This way you can find new wonderful keyword combinations, you probably didn't even know that existed. That's modeling success.

SEO Step 3: Optimise Your Body Copy

Now you need to place or map your important keywords (those you want to rank for) into your pages. Search engine uses very complicated algorithm to determine which page will be in which position in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Nobody knows how exactly search engine's algorithm works. But you can increase your chances of showing up on the firts page of Google by placing your important keywords in following sections:
  • title tag - this is the most important tag. Make sure you include your important keyword first.
  • meta description - even if you don't supply meta description, Google will extract description from your text. But you should supply your own description because Google's one may not always be the best
  • header tags - - include keywords in header tags. h1 has the highest importance, h2 lower, h3 even lower and so on...
  • anchor text - make sure to include keywords in your anchor text, but don't over do it! Use keyword rich anchor text to link to your internal pages within your own site and to your own site from another sites such as article directories
  • include keyword in the body copy - the optimal keyword density is 3%. Which means that if you have 100 words text you should not have more then 3 keywords in it 
If you want to find more information on how to optimise your web site download free SEO guide from Google.

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